Community Partner Events

The Arts Council of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County is hosting Women in the Arts, a Salem alumnae exhibition celebrating 250 years of Salem Academy and College’s commitment to educating and nurturing women as creatives. The exhibition will be on display in the Main Gallery of Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts in Winston-Salem from January 14–March 26, 2022. An artist reception will be held on Friday, February 4, 5:30–7 p.m. in the Main Gallery. For more information visit
Become A Community Partner of Salem’s 250th!
Primary Ways to Be Involved:
Host a program/exhibit that shines a light on Salem and women in our community. If the primary focus is on women in general, mention that it is held in honor of Salem’s 250th anniversary year. Examples could include:
- For a visual arts, venue/concert series, film, or literary organization: host an exhibition or event that features Salem and/or women artists or authors.
- Create an awards program honoring women throughout Winston-Salem’s history or women in our community with a connection to your organization.
- For a museum or destination, create a self-guided or guided tour that lifts up the voices of Salem/women in history.
- For an organization that serves families, create a special event that highlights the accomplishments of women.
- Feature women of Winston-Salem, your organization, and Salem Academy and College during your own events and in your publications (print or digital):
- For an event, lift up/highlight women participating in your event in a special way (example: At your organization’s annual meeting or event, ask all the women leaders in the room to stand and recognize their accomplishments).
- For an event that involves “vendors or artists” booths: Highlight women-owned, women-led businesses with featured locations, signage, etc.
Additional Ways to Participate:
- Participate in Community Day in Fall 2022 on Salem campus. Join us as we welcome the entire local community to the campus for a special day showcasing Salem’s academics, athletics, fine arts, and civic engagement. Community partners are invited to have a presence with an activity or display that promotes their organization in connection to Salem’s 250th, women of Winston-Salem, and women relevant to their organization or cause.
- Display a banner or signage (provided by Salem) at your place of business saying: “We celebrate Salem Academy and College: 250 years of empowering women.”
- Promote the 250 Spotlight events hosted by Salem through your own communication channels—and attend those events!
How Will Salem Help Promote Community Partnership Events and Programs:
- Inclusion in Alumnae Newsletter(s)
- Social Media posting on Salem’s social channels
- 250th Calendar of Events on Salem websites
- Press release and media pitches announcing events (by month or quarter)
- Inclusion in advertising from 250th Media Sponsors (likely Calendar of Events)
- Events and Programs promoted on campus (Calendar of Events, digital signage, posters)
To sign up your organization as a 250th Community Partner fill out the 250th Community Partner form.